Implicit Flow

⚠️ It is not recommended to use the implicit flow due to the inherent risks of returning access tokens in an HTTP redirect without any confirmation that it has been received by the client.

Implicit grant type is an OAuth 2.0 protocol flow for authenticating users, and is designed for legacy applications. We recommend Authorization Code flow for retrieving user tokens if possible, this ensures that no access tokens are sent to the browser.

If you are writing a native or single-page applications that can not store a client_secret securely we recommend Authorization Code with PKCE.

Authorize request

Initiating an authorization code flow is done with a GET /connect/authorize request. You provide your client_id, the required scope together with a redirect_uri where the authorization code will be returned. Make sure that response_type is set to code. This will cause the authorization request to return a code parameter to the endpoint given in redirect_uri, you will use the value of this in the following token request.

GET /connect/authorize

GET{tenant}/connect/authorize?scope=SCOPE&response_type=token&client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&redirect_uri=https://YOUR_APP/callback&state=STATE HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: https://YOUR_APP/callback#access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN&token_type=Bearer&expires_in=EXPIRES_IN&scope=SCOPE&state=STATE
Parameter Description
scope (required) The scopes which you want to request authorization for. Must be a resource scope, but not an identity scope such as profile and openid.
response_type (required) Indicates to Aritma ID which OAuth 2.0 flow you want to perform. Use token for implicit Flow.
client_id (required) Your application's ID.
state (recommended) An opaque value the application adds to the initial request that Aritma ID includes when redirecting the back to the application. This value can be used by the application to prevent CSRF attacks.
redirect_uri (required) The URL to which Aritma ID will be redirected to after authorization has been granted by the user.
acr_values One or more values that controls how the authentication process is, use mfa to force a user with an active session to re-enter his/her/their mfa token (must be used together with prompt=login). See Authentication Context Class References